Our Culture - A participatory photography project with young people from Centre Point, Manchester
Throughout 2021 and 2022, I collaborated with young people from Centre Point on a series of photography based explorations of their urban environment.
Together we spent 8 weeks exploring photography as a tool for creative expression, trying our hand at film and digital photography, street photography, cyanotype, photo-collage, creative writing and photo-elicitation. We worked closely together to explore ideas relevant to the group at the time, including ‘Identity’, ‘Positivity and Wellbeing’, ‘Urban Nature’, and perceptions of ‘How People See Me VS Who I Really Am’. The group then curated their selection of final images with these key themes in mind for a permanent display within the recently re-opened Centre Point community hub in Manchester city centre.
“The themes we explored are topics relevant to young people today, and we wanted to make our stamp on the world using photography with this in mind”
Centre Point do some incredible work for young people and you can find out more about them HERE.